The world misinterpreted her idea of the banality of evil; many believed that the phrase meant that within each of us there is evil and that the Nazi criminals were ordinary people simply following orders. 2010 Third Wave Documentary Film "Lesson Plan". You said that Ron was lying. The Librarian thanked me for the 30' banner on learning which she placed above the library entrance. A general assembly was organised for 12 pm the next day to watch the televised speech of their leader. Everyone was capable and equal. They watched the activities and participated in a mechanical fashion. Does This Put The Transgender Debate to Rest? I marked three of the cards with a red X and informed the recipients that they had a special assignment to report any students not complying to class rules. Afraid that if I stopped someone would laugh or ask a question and the grand scheme would dissolve in chaos. Replace reason with rules. In this room. Jones told his students of the true nature of the movement as an experiment in fascism, and presented to them a short film discussing the actions of Nazi Germany.[9]. (2019, Dec 05). This is the wrong interpretation and the wrong conclusion to make. Knowing that one is being monitored changes ones behaviour significantly. When accosted by an English teacher for being a student in the "teachers' room" her just smiled and informed the faculty member that he wasn't a student. it was a good question. The next day, the students assembled in a lecture room at midday. The Third Wave was still alive. Their teacher called the group "The Third Wave," even going so far as to punish an improper sitting posture. This also featured interviews with Jones and former students. On Friday, the final day of the exercise, I spent the early morning preparing the auditorium for the rally. The feeling of never acting, never being a part of something, never supporting each other. On Wednesday, I decided to issue membership cards to every student that wanted to continue what I now called the experiment. For a week in the middle of a school year we had shared fully in life. Experiment in Palo Alto, California, proves that what happened in Nazi Germany was not unique to that time or place. Anticipation turned to anxiety and then to frustration. That you were better than those outside this room. I was tearing apart. I was now standing next to the television directly facing the room full of people. For years after the second world war, when the world had time to reflect, we had taken the conclusions of these experiments and the words of Arendt to conclude that evil, in itself, is banal, and can be found in the most ordinary of upstanding citizens. It affected everyone. The Third Wave experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California during the first week of April in 1967. You will not allow your friends and parents to know that you were willing to give up individual freedom and power for the dictates of order and unseen leaders. The high school was and still is one of the best in the state, well known for its progressive philosophy and intelligent students. In fact I was surprised to find the ideas on discipline enacted at all. Many of the students were completely into being Third Wave Members. In my view and pedagogical experience, a good pedagogical simulation should involve a sense of ambivalence between real and artificial that promotes an inquiry and reflection among the students. Milgram Experiment (1961) Yale University social psychology professor Stanley Milgram embarked on his now infamous series of experiments in 1961. I was shocked! Take part. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. 1967 Original "Third Wave" Class, Palo Alto, California. Strength Through Community! He would talk to the parents and calm their concern. I explained how at noon on Friday a national candidate for president would announce the formation of a Third Wave Youth Program. If I remember the question. Of believing so thoroughly in yourself and your community or family that you will do anything to preserve, protect and extend that being. The Third Wave experiment brought to light our creepy reverence for authority, shedding harrowing Milgram-esque insight into how easily we assuage moral conflict and diffuse responsibility when we . Let Minimal Lite's clean vibe and arresting design elements elevate your content to its fullest potential. In the beginning, the students treated the new regime as a game but became more serious once their teacher told them their marks were at stake. They would take the ridicule from the brighter students that participated in a measured and cautious way. I now began to ponder not just how far this class could be pushed but how such I would change my basic beliefs toward an open classroom and self directed learning. So are you saying that what Ron says happened in the other class didn't really happen? Nothing. The prompt was given in the imperative, but it highlighted that the imperative was literally lacking. We knew that it was interesting learning about different political systems, but not something we would ever emulate. I confided that they were the students selected to represent their area. And I daily argued to myself on the benefits of the learning experience. Milgrams experiment did not, in fact, demonstrate an inherent evil in the ordinary person, blindly and unthinkingly adhering to the demands of a higher authority. I felt very alone and a little scared. the average citizen, claim at the end of the Third Reich that they knew nothing of what was going on. A report of the proceedings by George Williams, delegate of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). Discipline. it's discipline. "Yes.1' "Now listen carefully. Burned ideas. Any% nazi speedrun. he was a body guard. Not knowing when and if you'd ever see each other again. While Jones taught his students about Nazi Germany during his senior level Contemporary World History class, Jones found it difficult to explain how the German people could have accepted the actions of the Nazis. Although . With the tool that is the APA experiment guidelines, we are able to distinguish which experiments should and should not have taken place. We learned what it felt like to create a disciplined social environment. I told him we were merely studying the German personality. He added "Strength Through Community" to the chalk board, and named his "movement" "the Third Wave". The school cook asked what a Third Wave cookie looked like. To accentuate this, I requested answers to be given in three words or less. How can a people be a part of something and then claim at the demise that they were not really involved' What causes people to blank out their own history? O my Gosh, I thought this story was amazing. To conclude the session on direct action, I instructed students in a simple procedure for initiating new members. On Monday, I introduced my sophomore history students to one of the experiences that characterized Nazi Germany. In our consoling each other we became a rock in the stream of exiting students. "Listen closely, I have something important to tell you." Now that I look back, they appeared much like the child with so called learning disability. He was polite and condescending. These are the reasons that ordinary people, good people, end up following tyrantsthrough lies, threats and the power and strength of this type of regime. You're more alert. Controversial and unorthodox as the Third Wave Experiment might be, there is a lot we can take from social experiments such as these, especially amidst the disaster and upheaval we have witnessed so far in 2020. So we become the image. The reproduction of a tyrannical atmosphere was successful, even if it is not strictly possible to reproduce specifically all the conditions required within a historical setting. Simply upload, import the demo data, and swap out the text and images as you wish! The Third Wave disaster. I began to think of myself as a part of the experiment. In 1967, teacher Ron Jones conducted a social experiment with unexpected results. He was a sensitive and bright student. They were asked to read out questions to a student and whenever the student got a question wrong, the subjects were ordered to electrocute the student, increasing the force of the current gradually the more questions that they got wrong. The visual stench of death camps. Our class was called Tech Prep(senior class) and it had only 13 boys in the class. First I would have two students stand and call back our motto. At least he was equal to everyone. (I later found out it was the father of one of the students. Take this story with a considerable grain of salt. Things were already getting out of control. This last lesson is perhaps the one of greatest importance. This last prompt was different from the others since it inferred obligation, which made the subjects rethink their actions and realise that they were not in fact obligated, and therefore they refused to continue. I was following the group dictate as much as I was directing it. Others simply sunk into the activity and took self assigned roles. Shereen Lehman, MS. Most of my fear emanated from the incidence of "tattletaling". I was increasingly worried about how our activity was affecting the faculty and other students in the school. Over the course of five days (or nine, according to student Sherry Toulsey), Jones, a member of the SDS,[6] Cubberley United Student Movement sponsor[7] and Black Panthers supporter[8] conducted a series of exercises in his classroom emphasizing discipline and community, intended to model certain characteristics of the Nazi movement. Jones based the name of his movement on the supposed fact that the third in a series of waves is the strongest. "This is the final lesson to be experienced. What does he do now (or after he was fired)? Played guitar and enjoyed drama. Retrieved from https . That self training. If only he would have raged in anger or simply investigated the situation I could point the students to an example of righteous rebellion. Then smiled, and slowly raised a hand in a cupped position. It helped me approach them in a deliberate way. There must be a program. Just smiling and saluting other class members. The question here is not why but how the German people came to support the Nazi regime. They demanded strict obedience of the rules from other students and bullied those that took the experiment lightly. I graduated in 1967 and lost contact with Ron, But my mother worked at the school and kept me up to date as to what was going on with him. While debating whether to stop or go on with the experiment I talked on and on about community. The Nazis also hid many of their crimes from their own people, named themselves national socialists (when they were, in fact, not socialist but fascist) and managed to abolish unemployment (food was nevertheless lacking across the country, much like in Stalins Ukraine). [9] Subsequent articles by other authors followed, some featuring interviews with Jones and the students involved. My heart was pounding. On the contrary, he had not simply followed orders blindly, he had actually planned his actions in great detailhe was an author of the Holocaust. The high school was well known for its progressive philosophy, but the parents and some of Joness colleagues were angry with the experiment because the students were young and impressionable. In the faculty room (closed to students) he stood at silent attention while I gulped some coffee. Not a vacant seat could be found. 'Lesson Plan' is a documentary featuring interviews of the original students and teacher of the 1967 Third Wave experiment. It felt hard to breathe and even harder to talk. The subjects were told that they were taking part in a rare experiment studying education. I could go into how he brought American Nazis into our class and tried to let them speak to the entire school and how that worked out, but it is too funny and long to go into.Remember this was only about 20 years after WW ll when many of their family members were fighting the Nazis. As Jones (1979, pp. Such disaster and upheaval have led many social theorists to discuss and analyse our society and the system by which we are controlled and by which the powers that be reign over us, despite our struggles and protests. He created an authoritative dictatorship in his classroom. From Ron's description it is clear to me that his students (many? He told me about his friends that had been killed in Germany. The big lie. This activity we have been doing has been practice for the real thing. Juden, Kommunisten, Zigeuner, Schwarzethere were labels for people according to what kind of offence or threat they posed to the regime so that everyone would know their place in society. 6. And profound revelation. Some couldnt even move from the shock. They were also acknowledged for doing this in a crisp and attentive manner. Yes, we would all have made good Germans. It also helps us understand further how the Holocaust could have happened. Strength Through Action!" If you will stand up and display what You have learned in the past four dayswe can change the destiny of this nation. Something in all of us. I walked over to Robert and threw my arms around him. The ultimate triumph. I began to talk. The roar of the Nuremberg Rally blasted into vision. I found myself sliding into the role even when it wasn't necessary. Across the country teachers like myself have been recruiting and training a youth brigade capable of showing the nation a better society through discipline, community. Their faces held looks of disbelief. The third wave, 1967: an account - Ron Jones. Ron Joness students didnt know they were taking part in an attempt to show how they too could fall into step when a tyrannical authority was present. It's a bit of both isn't it? No one moved. And there is something else. The machine came to life producing a luminous field of phosphorus light. I am having a hard time believing this. They possessed a silent confidence and took pleasure in a school setting that gave them academic and leadership opportunity. invisible. It was something we all wanted to forget. No. Conclusions made by contemporary political scientists and sociologists reflect the experiences of the subjects of the Third Wave Experiment and make connections between those experiences and witness statements in history. in fact I instructed the class in a sitting posture. The Milgram experiment was a famous and controversial study that explored the effects of authority on obedience. Kids were instructed in posture, began each remark with Mr. and saluted. The Third Wave experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California during the first week of April in 1967. I glanced over my shoulder. A fever pitch of excitement swelled across the room. Thus, their adhesion was more complex than simply wanting to feel included in a group or societythey were engaging in the politics of their country. Others cried openly and then brushed away tears to carry on. Many questions haunted me. Students seemed intent on the assignment and displayed Accurate recitation of facts and concepts. Evidently, experimentation in the social sciences is different. Leler, Robin and Sakuma, Bernice. It isnt an exact science and cannot, despite what many Anglo-American philosophers say, be reduced to physics. Arrogance, violence, terror. Even stranger was the gradual improvement in the quality of answers. It debuted on October 10[11] It was produced by Philip Neel and Mark Hancock, two of Jones's own former students. [2], The experiment began with simple alterations such as proper seating. I switched the television set on. Be seated. 2008 German Movie "Die Welle". It was 12:07. To accepting the Third Wave as a way of life. I turned it off. community, pride and action. The plea of ignorance. "It's over." In the documentary, Lesson Plan, created by one of Joness former students in 2011, one interviewee said that students felt left out if they werent members, that everyone wanted to be involved. set I had in the front of the room. He gave them lessons in how to sit correctly, which they also obeyed with little persuasion after being told that sitting properly allowed more oxygen into the lungs, helping them to think more clearly and thus improve their grades. I feel entirely compelled to say that any one that takes this as an offensive measure is possibly hiding something them self. I had a bodyguard. Each time the response was louder. "Mr. Jones, for the first time I'm learning lots of things." I just kept talking. Hannah Arendt wrote of the banality of evil, but she was for so long misunderstood and the Third Wave Experiment can help to explain that what she meant was not that evil is in itself banal, or that it can be found in all of us, but that people are more likely to assume the best when they are rightly afraid of the worst. Some subjects didnt need all four prompts, but the great majority of them did. Jones was clear, history can repeat itself, but sometimes it does under controlled conditions. (From around 2010) They had committed themselves in front of their peers to radical behavior. Here are ten bizarre psychology experiments that totally crossed the line. Third Wave Experiment. My announcement unleashed a fervor. A blank field of white. For example, the theory that appeared after the Milgram experiment was that ordinary, good people, professionals and students alike would obey authority to the point that it could kill someone (up to 450V of electrical currentfar beyond that which can be sustained by a human being). I couldn't let the Roberts lose again. "Can we bring friends?" Jones announced to the class that this movement was a part of a nationwide movement and that on the next day a presidential candidate of the Third Wave would announce its existence to the public. He turned on the TV placed in the middle of the room. He seemed delighted and told me not to worry. A presence that will not change. They, in fact, believed in change but were easily indoctrinatedif only for those five daysby what they believed was a superior cause. In the library or in gym students would be seen giving this strange hand jive. I demanded that they leave the room. Some would say he abused this confidence that the students had in him to play the tyrant, but, ultimately, he was still respected by the students and his colleagues even after the movement was exposed as a lie. and not themselves. Someone stood up and shouted. If I stopped the experiment a great number of students would be left hanging. And they seemed to want more. There was much more to see and try to understand. Thanks, Eugene It's one of those occasions experienced by teachers when they least expect. Students were expected to sit at attention before the second bell, had to stand up to ask or answer questions and had to do so in three words or fewer, and were required to preface each remark with "Mr. Jones". So, he decided to demonstrate this . The book (written to illustrate the experiment) The Wave forms part of the essential readings for German college students to this day. Yes, I had been pushing information at them in an extremely controlled setting but the fact that they found it comfortable and acceptable was startling. [9] Jones started a movement called "The Third Wave" and told his students that the movement aimed to eliminate democracy. Over two hundred students were crammed into the room. A strange calm is in effect when a room full of people sit in quite observation and anticipation. Jones." programming. [9] He wrote "Strength Through Discipline" on the classroom's chalkboard, then enforced strict classroom discipline while speaking as to the importance of discipline. You have been used. Outright organised fascism is capitalism gone over the top, but manipulation of group dynamics happens all over the place - particularly in schools - and is the means used to get people to behave in required ways, absurd ways often but sometimes ways that are practically credible on the surface. Both options were unworkable. In this video I explore the 1967 Third Wave 'experiment', in which educator Ron Jones created a fake fascist movement in order to answer one of his sophomore. We would have put on the uniform. In this the third day of activity there were forty-three students in the class. I agree with you that Ron's pedagogical experiment was disastrous and that he did not make enough pedagogical preparation for his simulation of the Nazi totalitarianism with his students. Thanks to ethical codes and institutional review boards, most of these experiments could never be performed today. The group seemed to be composed of students from many persuasions. Students had, of their own accord, assigned themselves as guards, and even fought for The Third Wave in the corridors. Yes, we know in a small way what it feels like to find a hero. How far would you have gone? Powerful. I waited for several minutes to let everyone catch up. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during the first week of April 1967. When and how will this end? The balance between role playing and directed behavior became indistinguishable. The first day, the students acted almost as if it were a game and obeyed the commands of their teacher who they already trusted and respected. Several social experiments, such as The Third Wave Experiment, have taken place as an attempt to better understand the nature of tyranny and the conditions under which it comes to fruition. Then say goodbye. Jones emphasized this main point of the movement . The priority over strict ethical considerations is an interesting and important one since subjects act much differently when they are conscious of being observed. The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could have accepted the actions of the Nazi regime during the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War.. There were the athletes, the social prominents, the student leaders, the loners, the group of kids that always left school early, the bikers, the pseudo hip, a few representatives of the school's dadaist click, and some of the students that hung out at the laundromat. He handed in elaborate weekly reports copied word for word from the reference books in the library. The salute was give. He sat in the second row. In as such as there were several months still to go in the school year and I was already at World War II, I decided to take a week and explore the question. No psychological effects were reported, and his students even respected and revered him yet more for his unusual lessonhence the documentary was made by two former classmates. We have seen that fascism is not just something those other people did. I took the film from the three cameras in the room and pulled the celluloid into the exposing light. "Is it a code or something?" He will explain all the things that he was able to manipulate the kids into doing which seems like would've taken weeks or months and claim it only took one day. The room rocked with a guttural cry, "Strength Through Discipline.". Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. . I was exhausted and worried. It's far more important than that. Talk about tone deaf. In speed drills the class learned to move from standing position to attention sitting in fifteen seconds. They included . Instead of simply summarising Haslams theory, however, its necessary to study his newer formulation of old conclusions to analyse a different, lesser-known social experiment called The Third Wave Experiment. Let me show you your future. Taken to an extreme we have seen and perhaps felt what these actions will lead to. By the end of the day the movement had over 200 participants. I shared this silence with two hundred students. Must be a former student. While the class sat in stern silence I began to talk lecture sermonize about the value of community. He completed the third wave experiment because he was unable to teach his students how the German population in the Holocaust allowed the Jews to be treated the way they were. You won't admit to participating in this madness. Would it not, then, have been more morally deplorable for a history tutor to accept the fact that his students were living in blissful ignorance? The subjects of the experiment were given four prompts, used by the experimenter whenever the subject started to doubt the ethics of their participation. The white glow of the test pattern didn't snap into the vision of a political candidate. I decided to find out. These and other controversial experiments led . The tension and anticipation was beyond belief. Was all my belief in Carl Rogers to shrivel and die? Faced with this experiment exploding in one hundred directions, I decided to try an old basketball strategy. Well at last it can be talked about. [9] Jones then assigned each of his students an individual assignment, such as designing a Third Wave banner, stopping non-members from entering the class, or recruiting their friends to join the movement. 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