IELTS Academic Writing task 1 uses the same structure for all tasks regardless if it is a pie chart, line graph, table, bar graph, or a mix of multiple charts. It is crystal clear from the graph that ….. has the highest ….., at …., whereas, ….. has the lowest, roughly ….. Apart from that, ….. and ….. have almost similar number of ….., approximately ….. The data is presented/calibrated in ….. 3D PIE Chart.

This pie chart show the information how people prefer to access the internet with their devices. You can learn more about For your other question, ‘accounts’ has an ‘s’ at the end because it’s not a noun here, it’s a verb (to account for something = to explain something or be the reason for something). On the other hand, there was a dramatic rise in nuclear power, which doubled its percentage over the ten years. Data is calibrated in percentage, from the year 1970 people had preferred to eat homemade food that is 90% on the other hands in the year 2000 its totally diverted towards restaurant food and percent become 50% percent for homemade and restaurant food.

As we go from bottom to top, the number of items progressively decreases.

To conclude, we can say that the USA has started shifting from oil to nuclear power.The two pie charts compare the percentages of online sales across different retail sectors in Canada in the years 2005 and 2010. Pie Chart Sample Answer The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five types of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. Then read the text and do the other exercises.Unlike the others, I spend the most of my internet with my laptop, then comes my mobile phone and at the last place is my tablet. Almost all people now have their own phones.I use the computer more to go online, but I use my mobile too.Actually,I have two questions First one : In the exercises 2 there is a sentence "the devices are shown in red, green ,purple and blue" Is "are shown"a tense?Yes, ‘are shown’ is a tense. Easy-to-Follow Templates to Earn Perfect Scores on Describe Image TasksDescribe Image tasks form an important part of the speaking module of If you score well in this section, you will get an In Describe Image questions, an image is displayed on the screen, and you get 25 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to respond. This IELTS writing task 1 sample is a pie chart. Thereafter, ….. At the third level, ….. It's a big advantage for me.Currently, I use my smartphone or laptop to go online.Here is a writing about people's preferred devices for going online.People were asked about their preffered devices for accessing the internet.In conclusion, it is clear that majority of people use smartphones and laptops.When I wanna go online, I need to ask mom to open tablet. And I don't use internet with the desktop computer because I simply don't have it.

If you are unable to memorize the names of all the countries, try to memorize the names of at least those countries that appear regularly in the news. laptop is easier and more convenient to use. a) What is the area of Asia? Graphic Detail – Great resource from the -perfect for chart descriptions and graphic explanations of current events.. Reply Quote. You cannot copy this, you must use your own language.

Make a decision then look at the model answer. The pie chart below shows the percentages of each continent. Below you will find easy to follow advice on how to describe your IELTS pie chart paragraph by paragraph. Mind the title of it and do not forget to include the source.The pie chart is about the pets in Year 7. To begin with, countries in the West such as ….. and some parts of ….. are ….., followed by countries in the East such as ….. On the other hand, developed and developing countries such as ….. and adjacent countries are ….. Example of how to describe a Bar Chart. Video: How to Describe a Bar Chart.

Mind the three parts and do not repeat the global message in the conclusion. To conclude, we can say that through more than thirty years, having meals in a restaurant whether in fast food or sit-down one has become very popular.These pie charts depict the information about the budget related to home and restaurant food from the year 1970 to 2000.

#1 Describe the image given below within 40 seconds-Model Answer-The pie chart shows the source of revenue and expenditure made by USA Charity during the year 2016. We have chosen the pie chart because we think it shows the number of pets in Year 7 best.

Ainar 3 months 4 days.

It’s the present tense – in the passive form (am/is/are + past participle). c) How much bigger is Africa than Europe?

This horizontal/vertical bar graph depicts the information regarding ….. Describe a Pie Chart Ebook.

Pie chart in IELTS is one of the major question types in IELTS academic writing task 1 that are asked frequently. Can you write a...Here's a close-up view of something cool. I need a partner to improve my speaking skills. In this case there are 2. smartphone's ok but when I do research, laptop is more reliable.I usually go online on my smartphone and rarer on my desktop computer.This week's photo features a very special granny. Next, you can talk about any similarities, big differences or any other significant features that can be seen clearly in the graph.

Initially/In the first step/stage, …… Furthermore, it’s transformed/developed/converted into …… After sometime/In the next stage, it is further converted/developed/transformed into …… Finally, …..Being familiar with the names of countries makes it easier to describe images based on maps. Hey guys!

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