Regardless of the Thames Barrier – which is there to protect against flooding from the sea, the London Assembly’s Environment Committee claim that some streets could flood from rain within minutes. The City of London Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2014-2020 (LFRMS) (1MB) details the flood risks that the City faces, including flooding from the tidal River Thames, surface water and sewer surcharges and rising groundwater. The Diocese of London’s Parish Property Support Team can advise on possible sources of sandbags. The River Thames is at risk of tidal flooding and provides the greatest risk when storm surges coincide with extremely high tide levels. Further information about this dataset can be found in its associated November 2013 Flood Zone 3a has been split into ‘(fluvial / tidal)’ and ‘(surface water)’ within the Web Map, and the above definition explains which datasets have been used for each. The proposals must provide mitigation and resilience against flood risks, must not increase flood risk elsewhere, and aim to provide an improvement to the current situation by reducing the levels of risk. It is for this reason why Flood Zone 3 does not equal Flood Zones 3a plus 3b.Where Flood Zone 3a exceeds Flood Zone 3, Flood Zone 3a as defined by this document takes precedence and should be applied accordingly. The Thames Tidal Defences (TTD) are a collection of walls, embankments, flood gates, pumping stations and barriers designed to protect at-risk properties against flooding from the River Thames.

Blockages caused by sediment or debris can further exacerbate the probability of sewer flooding.Drainage in the sub-region is serviced by Thames Water Utilities Ltd (Thames Water), who provide surface water, foul and combined sewer systems. The Web Map shows the impacts of climate change on the various sources of flood risk as follows:The Flood Risk and Coastal Change PPG defines functional floodplain as “This SFRA adopts a definition for Flood Zone 3a that includes fluvial, tidal and surface water flood extents as described in the bold text boxes below.

Artificial flood sources include reservoirs, canals, water retention ponds, docks and other artificial structures. Where a location is mapped to be within two or more Flood Zones, the requirements for the highest risk zone must be applied.In line with nationally defined responsibilities for management of flood risk, applications will be assessed by the organisations defined as follows:This approach is consistent with existing statutory requirements and means that there is no change to the permitted development rights and policy requirements listed within the The definition of Flood Zones 3a and 3b within this SFRA cannot amend the General Permitted Development policies without the adoption of an Article 4 Direction. Localised flooding in London from Thames tributaries may be increasing as a risk in its own right, as experts told the London Assembly’s environment committee last January. In addition, structural failure of TTD assets can lead to these features being breached. The increase in runoff rates results in greater volumes of water entering rivers and an increase in water flows. Article 4 Directions are detailed on each Boroughs respective website and should be reviewed by applicants to ensure all requirements are met.As noted in the previous section, areas which would naturally flood, but which are prevented from doing so by existing defences and infrastructure or solid buildings, will not normally be identified as functional floodplain (Flood Zone 3b). However, urbanisation can exacerbate the effects of fluvial flooding due to increased impermeable surfaces and development within the potential flood plain. Sites within Flood Zone 3a and / or 3b as defined by this SFRA will be treated as if it were in Flood Zone 3 with regards to the needs of the NPPF, PPG and site-specific FRA submission requirements. However, sewer system segments across London vary in capacity due to age.

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