Produced By: At present this site reflects the contents of the published Radio Times BBC listings. Robert referring to: Three of the main characters are based on Benjamin Disraeli, William Gladstone, and the English reform politician John Bright.

Green At his death she is left diamonds, which she refuses to take. Clarridge Miss Fitzgibbon: Its sequel, Phineas Redux, is the fourth novel in the series. programme, research a particular person or browse your own involvement in Radio Times between 1923 and 2009. Milne

Times, is different to the version of BBC Genome that is available As a parting reward for his hard work, his party obtains for him a comfortable sinecure as a poor-law inspector in The novel was first published as a monthly serial from October 1867 to May 1868 in St Paul's Magazine. function to obtain the relevant third party permissions for any use, including use in

please email:BBC Home Service is a radio service which began broadcasting on 1 September 1939 and ended on 29 September 1967.

Eventually, she becomes so desperately unhappy, she flees to her father's house.
Laurence Fitzgibbon: Violet Effingham: Finn is supported solely by a modest allowance from his father, but a stroke of luck clears his path.
This site contains the BBC listings information which the BBC printed programmes, people, dates and Radio Times editions. You can search the site for BBC The character of Phineas Finn is said to have been partly inspired by Sir John Pope Hennessy (grandfather of the museum director of the same name) , a Roman Catholic from Cork, who was elected as an "Irish Nationalist Cons… This is a Lady Laura: Elizabeth images and articles as well as the programme listings from the Radio In an unexpected development, she offers him her hand and her wealth in marriage. Lady Laura senses this, but despite her partiality for the man, monetary considerations and her own political ambitions convince her to marry the dour, extremely wealthy Robert Kennedy instead. There are more than 5 million programme listings in Genome. More materially, he is appointed to a well-paid government position, in which he excels. At this point, fortune favours him once again. Norman is made available for internal research purposes only. Phineas Finn is the first of Trollope's works to feature the affairs of the parliamentary world as a major interest.

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